do MORE than vote!
Ask yourself how many hours per week before Elections should you designate to helping others, your community and your democracy?
Small investment time
Political Sign in window/yard/bumper
Wear button/bumper sticker for cause/candidate
Sign digital petition social / political cause
Sign paper petition for political candidate
Send letter to government official
Contact government official about an issue
Call your representatives - daily/weekly
Follow / reposting a politician/candidate on social media
Write OpEd
Checkbook activism
*Making a political $ financial investment/donation (the only easy and quick civic activism that has cumulative large effect)
Invest/donate to political organization
Invest/donate to social cause organization
Decide what fraction of annual salary (1%, 1<3%, 3<5% ?)
Invest in a candidate
Invest in a ballot item, party, PAC etc.
Invest in a house of worship
Invest in a social cause / activist group
Donating in the name of someone else to spur activism
Donate + attend fundraiser/book signing
Medium Investment time
Phone bank for candidate
Text bank for candidate
Canvas for candidate/cause
Fundraise - dinner party, concert, performance
Send postcards to voters
Artivism - political/social statement through artS
Boycott AND Tell others about your boycott
BUYcott AND Tell other about your BUYcott
Post/comment/photos regularly about political or social issue
Blog consistently about politics / social issues
Attend political meeting local, town, school affairs
Active member of a group
Attend a political rally or speech
Volunteer for candidate or political party
Volunteer for election / census / governemnt institution
Make a public speech about community / local / political
Attend organized demonstration/march/protest
Active member of political/social group
Work with fellow citizens to solve a problem in your community
Active member of a group that requires physical participation
Prepared for mass action
birddogging representations
birddogging enablers
recruiting other activists
organize fundraising event / dinner party / candidate
High Investment time / consequence
Start / co-found a activist group
Civil disobedience
Hunger strike
Strike / work slow-down
**Be alert for hollow activism "Slactivism" which undermines energy for meaningful activism: tweeting, social media, Watching news, reading, Facebook communication (meaningful only for organizing)